‘Our People, Our Stories, Our Way’

EVERY Friday, for 12 weeks, Te Manawahoukura had the privilege of hosting 12 guest speakers who shared their insights and understandings of kaupapa rangahau that they were passionate about, and/or experts in. It showcased a range of different disciplinary understandings and approaches, all with a focus on Indigenous knowledge.

Kaupapa included Indigenous philosophy, va’a building, the history and journey of the Māori deaf community, Mauritau, Lifelong learning, Māori health, Mahi Toi, Te Reo Rangatira, Mana wahine, Polynesian men’s health, rongoā and climate-related disparities.

10 of our presenters kindly allowed us to record their kōrero, so in the Speakers Gallery below you’ll find links to their respective recordings, courtesy of our Wānanga TV YouTube channel. We know you will find something of value, so please enjoy!

Speakers Gallery

The following Speakers’ presentations were not recorded, however, we would like to acknowledge them both for sharing their kaupapa kōrero with us, as part of our 2023 Speaker Series.
Ngā mihi!

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